Happy Today, Friend!
This little house, squeezed into a tiny slot between its two imposing neighbours, sparkles, precisely because of its diminutive size and its uniqueness.
We too can shine in whatever we do, despite being smaller, perhaps in size and certainly in renown and in financial resources than those already established. But those who count don’t want size and institutionalised power trying to impress them; they want uniqueness and originality. And the personal touch. That’s our forte!
When a boat full of tourists passes on the Seine, the commentator points out the miniscule abode, heralding it as ‘the smallest house in Paris’ and the voyagers crane their necks to see it. Because it’s original. Because it’s unique. They want to tell their friends that they know where the smallest house in Paris is.
Look for what’s unique about you and AMPLIFY it. Whatever you do, don’t change it. OK, you can modify it a bit if necessary, if that will serve you and help you advance, but hang on to that unmistakable spark that makes you YOU!
If you paint, paint smaller, stranger or circular. If you cook, mix things that have never been combined before. If you write, put your words together in a way you have never seen it done in all your reading life.
Why not? What have you got to lose? Anyone can copy what they have already experienced, but how will you get people to crane their necks to see you by reproducing the same old same old?
We have one chance to make a difference that I’m aware of: this one. Even if you are starting from zero, you can do something unique. In fact, it’s easier if you come from nowhere than if you are already known for something else. Tiny and unusual is great. Small and original is remarkable. Little and unique is exceptional. Be that.
Be exceptional!
Happy growing
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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