Happy Today, Friend!
Are you ready to wear bright, blinding brilliant red from head to toe when everyone else is wearing drab tones of black, grey and brown?
You don’t need to literally wear garish red or screaming scarlet, of course. But you do have to be different somehow. You should do what others aren’t doing. How else will you stand out in a crowd, with all that implies and invites? Are you REDdy?
In concrete terms, if you’re an artist (or say you are), you should be painting every day, or at least moving your current artistic project along a little. Many fair-weather artists don’t actually paint much at all. And many who would love to paint, simply don’t paint. Don’t do that. Fill your creative calling into the text above.
If you are cooking something, add a ‘special, secret’ ingredient and see if your diners can guess what it is. If you’re writing, employ a weird sentence structure you’ve never used before or that you’ve just invented and see how it feels.
If you are creating a new body, try a different exercise routine, video, coach, gym or location – variety is interesting and motivating, and will keep you moving towards your goal in a fun way.
And if you are an artist, try new colours, different paint, unusual applicators, odd supports or unexpected themes and styles.
Honestly, there’s no excuse, just don’t do black, grey and brown, please. Unless you always paint in bright red, in which case black grey and brown might be just what you need. Your brush strokes, your call, your flavour of crazy!
🎨 You are the artist!
Happy colouring
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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