Happy Today, Friend!
I’ve been watching a pair of geese on my little local lake brooding their two eggs for some weeks now. Strangely enough, I haven’t seen them look at their watches once!
🐔 => 🥚 => ⏳ => (🍳) => 🐣 => 🐥
Impatience seems to be a resolutely human trait. You might not agree if you think of a dog that’s desperate for you to throw the ball again, but take any animal that hasn’t been tainted by man’s irascible, revved-up nature when waiting for anything…
… and you’ll realise that non-humans just get on with being whatever their particular version of non-human is without asking a million questions to make sure they are doing it right.
Honey will get made by bees and I can’t imagine an official Bees’ Union forming to protect worker bees’ rights and complain about having to visit too many flowers these days in comparison to past generations.
Grass will get chomped upon and cud will get chewed by contemplative cows without a hint of dissatisfaction about the daily diet being exactly the same, day-in and day-out.
And goslings will break out of their calcium carbonate cocoons at exactly the moment they are ready, the moment they are supposed to, the moment they are expected too, and the patient parents seem perfectly fine with that. I know; I’ve seen it. And when the little ones do arrive, they move onto the next phase, without a well-feathered copy of Modern Non-Confrontational Gosling Raising For Today’s Busy Goose tucked under their wing.
So, what is it with us humans who can’t even wait till we get to the end of a paragraph before checking our… HEY! Are you still reading me? … before checking our damn phone notifications again and again, just in case?
Well, our invention of time-as-a-concept probably has a lot to answer for, but that’s another topic for another timeslot. What can we usefully learn from my goose couple’s perfectly natural and unhurried miracle of bringing perfect baby geese into the lake?
We can realise that as long as we do a series of exceptionally simple steps again and again, without stress but consistently, great things will happen.
Steps like feeding and exercising properly and keeping a look out and devoting ourselves exclusively to our current egg-hatching project. Things like brand new living creatures coming into being.
Steps like choosing a worthy project and working on it a little bit every day without fail. Things like books getting written and races being won and relationships thriving and excess kilos being shed and dreams coming true.
All that’s necessary is to decide what you want, see what you have to do, stop asking questions and watch the geese. And if that doesn’t work, find an animal that does.
I just happen to have a thing about geese at the moment. It might be cats or caterpillars next week, I’ll keep you posted!
Be okay today.
Happy clucking
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~ The Prophet of Paris 
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