Happy Today, Friend!
Shh… listen. Can you hear it? Sometimes it’s very quiet but it’s always there, even when things aren’t going well. It’s the sound of opportunity knocking.
I don’t mean big, bold, brash and usually bogus ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunities to upgrade to the car you’ve always wanted, to get two pieces of crap for the price of one or to get into this brand new, undiscovered business with limitless potential at the bottom before it explodes and prices go through the roof. No, not that sort.
What I have in mind are the opportunities all around us every day to do good daily actions for ourselves and deeds for those around us who deserve them, just because it feels good. And to get carried along on the wave of wonderful things that happen when we do.
Do you realise you have the opportunity to go to bed an hour earlier this evening and get up an hour earlier too, just to see how it feels to be up before everyone else? It feels… interesting, strange, exciting… and good!
Do you realise you could tell someone that when they smile it’s like the sun coming out on a chilly grey day or that their laughter is like butterflies tapdancing on tulips. How many times will they have heard that before? The cheesier the better, as long as it’s true!
Do you realise that in every crappy happening or weird twist in the tale there is the opportunity to grow in experience and wisdom in a way you never could if life just carried on with no surprises, day after day, grey after grey?
Do you realise you could listen to this song right now, even if you’ve heard it before, and maybe it will become a little clearer what you should be getting on with, worrying about or rather not worrying about this day.
Be okay today.
Happy realising
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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