Happy Today, Friend!
“Examine my life?” you ask? “What, you mean do one of those long, drawn out and frankly fatiguing exercises where you divide your life into nice squeaky-clean little buckets, like Finances and Relationships and Health, and decide where you should be focusing your energy in order to forge ahead and hit the heights? That sort of examination?”
Umm… no.
My way of looking at things is called “Today’s The Day”, not “Life’s The Life”.
I invite you to examine what you’re up to today, and only today. Examine what you’re doing right now. Well, obviously you’re reading this right now, but imagine you had a piece of paper. No, even better: get one. And a real old-fashioned pen, with ink and everything.
Enjoy the feel of the paper under your fingers and the weight of the writing instrument in your hand. You can increase your pleasure and the significance of the moment by investing in some fancy textured paper and a splendid metal-nibbed pen for such propitious occasions.
On this piece of paper write:
3 Cool Things To Do Today
Then write three cool things you could do today. Consider doing one of them right now, before you think of anything else, which will probably be an excuse anyway..
Examine your piece of paper from time to time throughout the day. You’re examining the potential of your life, reduced down to the scale of a day. Compare what your piece of paper says to what you are currently doing, or have done so far.
You’ll find that it becomes quite tempting to do one of the things on your piece of paper, and maybe even tick it off or draw a smiley next to it or tell someone when you’ve done it.
It’ll feel good. Because your life is made up of days. And when you’re living good days, you’re leading a good life.
Good luck with the examination!
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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