Happy Today, Friend!
We take practically everything we experience for granted. The only time we really appreciate having, say, a throat that doesn’t cause any pain at all when we swallow, is when we have a really bad throat, and wish things could get ‘back to normal’.
But normal is fine. Normal is Great, with a capital ‘G’. Normal is as good as it gets. And most of the time we totally ignore or even moan and whinge about the fact we are living in simply ‘normal’ times. You can probably imagine a difficult situation right now where good old ‘normal’ would be just fine.
Some people wake up, look out of the window, and groan. It’s grey, it’s cloudy, it’s chilly and it looks like rain. “What a terrible day!”
Err… well, that last sentence is perfectly correct, except for one superfluous word. Can you guess which one it is? Terrible. Go with “What a day!” instead.
If you need to add a subjective adjective to it, why not make it a positive one? “What a wonderful day it is today, to be alive!”
It’s raining, great, the flowers are going to be so happy!
It’s chilly – phew, what a relief from that unbearable heatwave we just had!
It’s grey, wonderful, I’ll take some soft muted photos today…
See how easy that is? With a bit of imagination, you can usually turn any gloomy outlook into a sunny one, in your head, at least, and that’s where it’s all happening, right?
It doesn’t in itself make cold better than hot, or wet better than dry, but it seems to make us feel better in ourselves when we make this sort of mind-switch. What’s more, it’s absolutely free!
Of course, grey comes in many variations! In the past, people marvelled at the miracle of non-coloured moving pictures. They weren’t complaining at all as they sat enraptured! And black and white photography is about as artistic as it gets.
How amazing would we consider a rainbow to be, if we didn’t have regular, ‘normal’ dull days to compare it with?
Have fun with the 50 shades!
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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