Happy Today, Friend!
“Be infinite!” That’s what I write on my little Infinity² bookmarks I send and give to people, along with my Paris poem card and a couple of other things. You can have some too if you like.
But what do I mean by “Be infinite!”? And do I actually know? It sounds cool, though, don’t you think?
I could invent a reason or a meaning right now, but it will probably be different to the one I gave yesterday, and not the same as what I’ll come up with tomorrow. That’s ok.
We need to reinvent ourselves every day. If we imagine that we are reborn each morning, in a way, along with the new sun rising, why not review and reappraise and renew and even rephrase why we’re here too? It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
The choice of things we could do – our options – in the hours following our daily morning awakening is indeed limitless.
Given the time we have available, what we can actually get done isn’t quite so awe-inspiring.
But, given that huge choice of possibilities, it might be a good idea to check in on what we are up to from time to time. Just how are we spending our present moments?
Is what we are doing different from what we were doing yesterday. And the day before? If it isn’t, are we enjoying it anyway. If not, well, maybe we should try something different for a change and see what happens.
I find creative activities such as writing and painting (playing with words and colours respectively, albeit irreverently) fantastic for always doing something different.
Can you imagine writing the same sentence or painting the same picture two days in a row? How unlikely, and ridiculous, would that be?!
Of course, as my infinitely imaginative friends, you can probably come up with your own signification for “Be infinite!“
I’m sure your interpretation will be far more meaningful, for you, than any I could suggest. So, what does “Be infinite!” conjure up for you? And are you living it? Today?
Happy infinitising!
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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