Happy Today, Friend!
This image isn’t easy to look at. I’m not even comfortable publishing it. Maybe I shouldn’t be. It makes me feel awkward, sad and ashamed. Almost helpless.
But I’m not offering a guilt trip here, for you or for me. Because flipping this image around makes me feel incredibly grateful or maybe just lucky. That’s something.
I read an article recently about just how tough it is to be on the streets these days. Begging for money, I mean.
That might sound like a weird thing to say; of course it’s tough to be on the streets. But this is different. In the past, you could have good days and bad days. These days, according to the homeless people interviewed, there are only bad days.
Why? Well, think about it. How much cash do you carry on you these days? I can’t even remember the last time I had any, and then it was probably taken specially to give a few centimes to people like those in the picture.
Even when people want to give, they can’t. You pay for everything by card these days. Even lunch vouchers are electronic now.
So, I’m not saying give money to the poor today. I’m saying, pause a second when you find yourself cursing that missed train; at least you have a place for a train to take you. Think a bit when it starts to rain and you don’t have an umbrella; it’s not your bed that’s getting wet there.
I see people sprawled over drain covers or air vents, face down in the streets of Paris so I have to walk around them, because that’s the only free warmth they can find. Having to be ‘careful’ with the heating at home, maybe lowering it a degree or two what with rising fuel costs and all… suddenly doesn’t seem quite so terrible. I’ve got things pretty good, actually.
Be okay today.
Happy living
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~ The Prophet of Paris 
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