Happy Today, Friend!
All you need is little modest ones. Even the greatest achievements are almost always the culmination of a series of countless baby steps.
How do you finish a 365-page book? By writing the last word, or even by placing the final full stop. Doesn’t sound like much of an effort, does it?
You just have to do a certain number of them in a row. You just have to repeat a very simple process again and again. And you need to be going in the same direction all that time or you’ll get off track and probably never finish.
As long as you can do that, you can do anything, with the tiniest of actions, with the smallest of victories.
Remember that 365-page novel or work of non-fiction I mentioned earlier? Maybe you have one of those inside you. How many pages would you need to write in a year to finish it? One.
That’s right, you don’t even need to think in the plural! With a single meagre page a day, your magnum opus will be complete within 12 months. How cool is that?
Very cool. And it works for everything.
Think knitting… think stiches. Think painting… think brush strokes. Think cooking… think recipe steps. Think dancing… think dance steps.
As I’ve said often before: think mountain climbing… think of your very next step. Once you know what your objective is and you’ve committed to it and set your direction, you don’t need to keep checking it. All you need to do is focus on the next step and you’ll get there, sooner or later.
And the more you focus, considering each new step successfully achieved as a victory, the faster you will seem to get to the top.
🏆 You are the champion!
Happy stepping
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~ The Prophet of Paris 
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