Happy Today, Friend!
Everything is constantly changing; nothing is staying the same. It may seem as though it is, but it’s not. Permanence is an illusion. Everything is an illusion actually, but let’s not go there today!
The illusion you see here was captured between a mock maison and a cold place on my Paris perambulations. The latter was a curious building pretending to be a house but that wasn’t at all. The former was the ice cream I’d just bought for my kid. And Jef Aerosol’s ‘Dali’ mural was on our route.
Spectacular as it is, I’d photographed it many times before and hardly gave it a second glance as we hurried past. But I’m ALWAYS aware that things might not be as they seem or may have changed since the last time I was there. This was the case.
A bird was sitting on the lamp and you’ll have to click the picture above to see him or her. He or she wasn’t there the last time I passed by. And what’s more… Dali was looking right at it was an astonished look in his eyes.
I told my son not to move and ran to find a position for the picture and the result is what you see here. A moment in time, a new take on an old topic, the illusion of agency and a photo bombing feathered floozy into the bargain. It helps to have friends in high places…
Moral of the story, buy your kid ice cream while you can, don’t walk when you can fly and above all, keep your eyes open.
Happy flying high! 🦅
Sab in Paris
🚀 Kickstart your Creative Breakthrough with Sab at Infinity Coaching… today!
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~ The Prophet of Paris 
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