Happy Today, Friend!
How many passages do you walk down or pass through on any given day? And what’s going on when you do? With your life, I mean. Where are you, exactly?
A weird question, maybe, but these transitory places, which are neither here nor there, and only serve the purpose of getting from one proper place to another, actually have a name and it’s a rather strange one…
They’re called liminal spaces, and if you think about it, they’re everywhere. Station platforms, entry halls, lifts… you name it; if you pass through it, it’s liminal!
You don’t go to the platform to be on the platform, and you don’t enter a lift because you just love it in there. Or if you do, there’s probably a name for that too, but we won’t go into it here!
If you think about it, you might realise that these places can sometimes be uneasy, especially if you are with people you don’t know or are uncomfortable with. We all know that odd sensation when you get into a lift with people whom you don’t know well enough to have a conversation with but know just enough to feel that maybe you should.
We study the changing floor numbers intently as we say nothing, attempting to appear terribly preoccupied, avoid eye contact, pray we don’t have BO or fart and wish we could get out of there asap!
And what’s my point here? It’s that we waste the potential power of these fleeting ‘passing through’ moments by thinking of where we’ve come from or where we’re going. We forget that even the seconds or minutes we spend ‘just passing through’ are every bit as much a part of our life as any other.
And there are a ton of them.
What can we do if we get really present in the lift or on the platform or walking down the street? Lots of things, surely, but that’s your homework.
See what happens when you turn your attention to exactly what waiting for a train or travelling on an escalator or walking down a corridor really feels like. And report back in the Facebook Group – I can’t wait to hear from you, subliminally… or not!
Happy passing through!
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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