Happy Today, Friend!
We seem to spend a huge amount of time planning for the future.
The bad news is, the only time you can do anything is now.
The good news is, it’s always now!
What are we actually doing when planning for the ‘future’, anyway? We’re imagining bright ‘n’ sparkly ‘later nows’, which, even if only subconsciously, we have a pretty strong feeling could be quite a bit better than this one.
Otherwise, why would we be spending this present ‘now’ dreaming of a much improved one if this current one was already great? We wouldn’t!
Yes, I know it’s one of my recurring themes but I still seem to be enjoying writing about it so I’ll continue.
You might say, yes, but if you want to have a great summer holiday this year, or create a birthday surprise for someone, you have to plan it, right? And that’s true.
But organising a fun event that’s coming up is quite a cool thing. It’s concrete, it’ll probably happen (if it’s realistic, you have the time and the money, etc.) and, in the spirit of this article, you’ll probably really enjoy setting it up… in the present!
That’s not at all the same as vaguely frittering weeks away wishing your life was better in some hazy, nebulous way you can’t quite put your finger on, all the while regretting your indecision and hating your inertia.
So, to draw a conclusion from all this, relating to the hopeless dreamer case above, it seems we have a choice.
We can either try to make this actual present right now much better, by doing something new or exciting, such as jumping out of a plane or writing a poem and sharing it (sometimes just as scary as jumping out of a plane!) or going to an unknown town for the weekend. Or we can simply convince ourselves that things are actually pretty darn good as they are, all things considered; you don’t live under a bridge, you’re in reasonable health, your family aren’t too irritating and you have some time for yourself to do what you want, like read this thought-provoking article, for instance…
Oh yes, and remember that we don’t have a choice anyway! About it always being ‘now’, I mean.
That’s actually quite freeing, if you can come to terms with it and accept it, which most people can’t, so they bury their heads and hearts in fantabulously fantastical fake futures, and dream, dream, dream, if they’re not moan-moan-moaning…
The only time you can do anything is now. Luckily, it’s always now!
But be careful. Present ‘nows’ disappear off to the graveyard of past nows in the blink of an eye. Use them wisely today, finding something to appreciate and be happy about each day, and you’ll be glad you did.
Be okay today.
Happy present-ing
I invite you to post your ‘Today’s the day…’ in our Facebook group as often as you like. And comment on other folks’ TTDs too. Thank you for being part of this and for choosing to live a great life, loving every sunrise to sunset, today and every day.
~ The Prophet of Paris 
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