Happy Today, Friend!
As I walk along one of my favourite little paths in the Lake District, I often pass a flock of sheep going about their business, eating grass and scratching their backsides against trees and that sort of thing.
Occasionally, one of our woolly wanders will raise its head, look me directly in the eyes, even stop chewing sometimes, and just… wait. I look at her, and she looks at me. Time seems to stand still for a moment.
Then I’ll carry on with my walk, or she’ll lower her head and get back to her endless meal. The world heaves a sigh and sets things turning again.
What just happened? Nothing. And everything. Life got a little glimpse of itself and found it quite amusing. Although the wee pet lambs hop-skip-an’-jumpin’ for joy (or so we like to think) are far more fun to watch, there’s something in that passive meeting of gazes and certain recognition between species that gets me every time.
Give it a go – I think you might like it. Try your pet moggy or mutt if you don’t have a sheep to hand, or commune with a passing chameleon if you can find one, it doesn’t matter. Just give them the gift of your caring attention for a moment and see if they don’t offer something in return.
Have fun with the mutton-muttering! 🐑
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~ The Prophet of Paris 
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